Community Services
The Ashland County Sheriff Office offers and participates in a number of community service programs.
S.A.L.T. - Seniors and Law Enforcement Together
The Ashland County Sheriff's Office TRIAD/SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) program is designed to bridge the gap between senior citizens and law enforcement. To address issues and concerns that involve crime prevention and safety issues regarding our growing population of seniors. The goal of the Ashland County Sheriff's Office is to make seniors more aware of the crimes that they could become victims of due to the high level of trust they have for anyone they may meet in the public.
The Ashland County Sheriff's Office joined with a national program called TRIAD that is a partnership of three organizations - law enforcement, older adults, and community groups.
What Triads Do:
Educate: by sponsoring crime prevention and public education for older adults.
Assist: by recruiting and training volunteers to assist police departments, sheriff's offices and other agencies.
Support: by identifying community resources and providing referrals to older persons to help reduce fear and lend moral support.
Unite: by involving the older adult population, law enforcement, community agencies, and individuals to identify problem areas in their communities.
For more information contact The Ashland County Sheriff's Office @ 419-289-6552
Other Resources
Free Legal Resources for Ohioans. Ohio Legal Help offers free information on common legal issues, court details, legal forms, and attorney referrals.
Older Adult Behavioral Health Resources from the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Ashland County.
Ashland County Council On Aging is a private, non-profit organization providing vital services to the 60+ population of Ashland County, Ohio.
Project Lifesaver
“Bringing Loved Ones Home”
Project Lifesaver is a program designed to track and locate lost individuals. This program is designed specifically for families living with Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Downs Syndrome, Autism, PTSD and other disorders.
Project Lifesaver provides individuals with a personalized radio transmitter bracelet. When an individual is reported as missing, trained law enforcement can locate the audible transmitter signal using both air and ground tracking receivers. This proven radio technology has enabled quick recovery times averaging less than 30 minutes. Families are quickly notified and reunited!
The Ashland County Lions Clubs pay 100% of the costs of providing the bracelet and do the monthly contacts with all the clients. These monthly contacts are to check the batteries and equipment to make sure it is working correctly. They can also help to provide the families with additional contact information and possible resources, if necessary.
Lions Club Member Contact:
Ann Miller – 419-289-0638 or email:
Ashland County Sheriff’s Office Contact:
Captain Randy Wood - 419-289-3911 or email: