
Welcome to the Ashland County Sheriff's Office web page. We hope that you enjoy your visit here. Feel free to browse each of the  different departments to learn more about that area of the Sheriff's Office. We hope that many of your frequently asked questions will be addressed by these pages, but please do not be afraid to e-mail us with any questions or comments you may have.

Thank You,
Sheriff  Kurt J. Schneider

About Us

The Office of the Sheriff and Corrections in Ashland County is a growing organization that serves all the residents of Ashland County. Our mission statement states that we will "provide quality law enforcement to all residents of Ashland County". Our agency has many different functions; we operate a state-of-the-art full service jail with an inmate capacity of 127 inmates. Our enforcement division operates around the clock providing security for both residents and businesses and the common pleas court. Enforcement officers serve almost 2,800 criminal and civil process papers every year.

The detective bureau investigates and prepares all criminal cases. The civil division prepares all criminal and civil process paperwork. This division also maintains all agency personal and pay records. Our combined dispatch center provides emergency and non-emergency services to all enforcement and public safety agencies. This agency provides other services such as K-9, Bomb Squad, and Dive Team. The Ashland County Sheriff's Office has the reputation as a caring agency. Every employee of this great agency gives 110 percent effort each and every day.