Counterfeit Notes in the Ashland Area

The U.S. Secret Service has seen an alarming recent trend in counterfeit notes passed in the U.S.

Motion Picture notes and notes with foreign writing have grown significantly. These notes account for 12 percent of all counterfeit passed in the U.S. last fiscal year; current passing levels indicate that number will unequivocally grow this year.

Motion Picture and Foreign Writing notes have been identified in all current denominations. The foreign writing may be in large, bright colors, or in smaller typeset on the front or back of the note and in various languages, including Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Turkish.

Motion Picture Notes and Foreign Writing notes generally do not contain a watermark, optical varying ink, micro printing or fluorescing security strip. Because the words “For Motion Picture Use Only” (or similar phrases) are often clearly written on the Motion Picture notes and because Foreign Writing notes often brightly display the foreign writing (such as Chinese characters), these notes can be easily recognized as fakes with just a quick glance.

If anyone attempt’s to pass one of these counterfeit notes (see samples below), please obtain as much information, as you can do so SAFELY, about the individual(s) and contact the Sheriff’s Office or your local Police Department.
