SCAM ALERT    !!!!    

SCAM ALERT    !!!!                      ASHLAND COUNTY                   

A male caller has been calling residents claiming he is a federal agent and advising victims that there is a federal warrant out for their arrest. He has also stated that their cars have been seized and drugs were found.

The scammer then asks for personal information and credit card numbers. In one case the scammer advised that they would have someone from the Ashland Police Department call them. Later, a call came from the scammer using an Ashland, Ohio phone number. It was, indeed, still the scammer.

Remember: DO NOT give your personal information over the phone to someone that calls you.  Citizens are encouraged to call your local law enforcement agency using their published business number  (not the number that the scammer tells you or shows on caller ID)  to report these scam calls.

You may also report scams here: Report a Scam - Ohio Attorney General

Please share this ALERT on your social media page to help warn friends and neighbors.